Monday, 16 March 2015

The king of the swingers, the jungle VIP ^_^

To go with the explorer, I needed to make a monkey, which I was kind of dreading. I made a cat armature in first year, that ended up with spaghetti legs. I planned to needle felt it which was also scary! New things! Ahh! 

To make sure that the monkey armature didn't end up being too big I planned it all out on top of the armature design, with not much help from my cat...

K&S all glued in it's place! Then made sure that it kinda resembled a monkeys skeleton. It does. Kinda.

Added a sneaky little rig point under where the tail is going to be! I wrapped a thin bit of wire around the washer to create the tail.

Then the needle felting began! (Oh and I made hands and feet!)

Inside the head I glued a bit of foam to the wire to fill it up a bit. I decided to go with a light blue colour for the face/belly. Gives it more of a cartoony sort of look, rather than a realistic monkey. 

To make the ears I just stabbed a little ball of brown wool repeatedly, and then stabbed teeny bits of blue wool inside until I released all of my anger, I mean until the blue wool was felted into the brown...

Awww look at him with his ears! ^_^

I attempted to needle-felt the fingers, but it was so time consuming, and just looked a bit messy I ended up sewing felt around the wire instead. Looks much neater. :}

Finished monkey, hanging from my lamp. ^_^ 

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